On a rainy day there's nothing I like better than going into the city and wandering around the bullring.
While I love a good mooch around Selfridges or Debenhams (I know it's a bit sad but I love department stores) today I thought I would go see
what the new magazine releases were. I was not disappointed. I picked up the new edition of French Vogue (about 1,000,000 times better than British one, even if I cant read it that well, hey i don't read the british one!)

This is the October issue that's causing a bit of controversy due to a photoshoot by Steven Klein and French Vogue editor herself Carine Roitfeld, featuring hot-as-you-like model Lara Stone. While this sort of thing is typical of Vogue, this particular shoot is more risqué than usual because Miss Stone has been painted. Her skin has been covered in make up to make her look black.

Yay or Nay? I personally find it a bit tasteless. Stone is stunning in her own right, for her own colouring and features. There are also so many beautiful dark skinned models out there - Naomi Campbell, Jordan Dunn, Alek Wek? If they wanted a black girl they could've used these women. It seems a bit strange to have done what they did. But you can't dispute the boldness of the shoot and the quality of the shoot. Kudos Steven Klein, as always.

I also picked up Lula, a fairly new magazine, with a really hyper feminine feel to it, it's all girly type-faces and soft colours and female icons (articles on Grace Coddington, Mercedes Helnwein and Emmylou Harris) it's a nice antidote to the increasingly androgynous focus in a lot of magazines. I like it anyway, definitely something to get again in the future.
I also looked at, but didn't buy, Notion magazine. Which is a very 'nu rave' style magazine. Very edgy, androgynous and just a bit fierce.
I just had a quick flick through while I was in Borders and found an advert for the fabulous Vivienne Of Holloway, a favourite of my flatmates. I'd never seen VoH ad so though i just had to stick it on the end here.
So that's my most recent overspend in Borders. I'm sure it shall happen again soon.
Love and kisses, MerrieGirl
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